LUMC Association for PhD candidates (LAP)

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Newsletter September 2021

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LAP Newsletter

September 2021

Dear fellow PhD candidates,
Summertime is almost over and a new academic year is about to start. In this newsletter we provide some information on courses and webinars for you to make the most out of the upcoming year.

Let us know if you have any questions.

The LAP board



Update: Government funds for COVID-extensions for young researchers
As we have mentioned in our previous newsletters, the government has made extra funds available for young researchers whose work has been delayed due to the COVID-19 crisis. The first application round is now open and is aimed at: 
  • Researchers on a temporary contract
  • Whose research has been delayed by the coronacrisis in 2020
  • and whose contract ends in 2021
People who have already received money in the first round in February can also apply. The application is done via the promotors and department heads; they will decide who qualifies. However, if you think you might qualify, please discuss it with your supervisor/promotor. The deadline is set at September 15.  There will be a second round at the end of the year for those whose contract ends in 2022. The entire plan can be found via Albinusnet here (Dutch only).

Update PhD ceremonies
Besides rector, beadle, technician, promotor, secretary and paranymphs you may invite up to 10 guests to the Academy Building! The members of the opposition committee are requested to attend via livestream. For further details see the updated PhD protocol.

Facing difficulties during your PhD? Don’t hesitate to book a sparring session with our LUMC coach Wouter Leonhard.
After his PostDoc career, Wouter decided to become a professional coach to help out people with the very struggles he faced himself during his own PhD. One of the reviews: ”I’m less stressed today and spend more time on things that really matter.” Contact for more information. And if you believe you don’t have time for a coach, you definitely need one!


Science meets Business Cafe & BBQ

Science meets Business hosts very interesting events to create interaction between all people of the knowledge institutes and companies in the Leiden Bio Science Park. That includes all PhD candidates of the LUMC. 

On September 9th they will host a BBQ event that will include a few talks covering the interaction between science and business.
A good opportunity to sharpen your networking skills and fill your stomach in friendly atmosphere. Be sure to register in time!
(We have been to the SmB café before and even co-hosted as LAP in the past, and it had never disappointed, so we highly recommend you check it out!)

Click here to read more and reserve a spot.

BCF Career Event – October 6 – Jaarbeurs Utrecht
Discover Your Career Path in Life Sciences with BCF Career
Are you a newly graduate looking for your first job, a (young) professional looking for the next step in your career or simply interested in enhancing your career? Join BCF Career Event in Jaarbeurs Utrecht on 6 October to discover your career path in the Life Sciences industry.
Connect and chat with top employers from The Netherlands, Belgium and elsewhere, attend company presentations, insightful sessions from seasoned professionals, and meet with like-minded peers. BCF Career Event is the perfect opportunity to expand your network and maybe even land your first- or next job! Click here for more information and for free visitor registration.

Promovendi Netwerk Nederland (PNN) new board members
From September 24th, 2021 onward, the board of PNN is looking for reinforcement! The various vacancies can be found here. Interested? Send your application and CV before September 6th to 

Webinars and Courses

After your well-earned holidays you might want to think about which courses you’d like to follow this year. An overview of all courses within the LUMC and Leiden University can be found in the Converis-module (go to ‘help’ – ‘help’ – inventory of courses) or just click here.
Scientific Conduct for PhD
For new PhDs there is a new mandatory workshop  “Scientific Conduct for PhDs”. The workshop, which will be offered in both Dutch and English, will be organized 10x a year and is now open for enrollment. For more information, please refer to Scientific Conduct for PhDs (LUMC).

HRM Learning & Development courses
These courses are offered mostly online. This is done with the well-known professional trainers and in an interactive manner. Please register in the usual way. Click here for the complete overview of upcoming courses. If you have any questions, please contact 

21.09.2021 How to avoid loneliness and find connection as an (international) PhD candidate?
Being an international PhD candidate, away from home, is a harsh reality sometimes: loneliness, homesickness, difficulty making friends, cultural differences. Plus, the stress about work and the concerns about the future seemed well-plugged-in in our mind. Click here to read more and to register.


12-15.10.2021 Boerhaave Nascholing course ‘Using R for data analysis’  
Would you like to understand and write (tidyverse-based) R code?
And know where to look for R methods to perform statistical analyses of your own data and be able to generate reproducible reports from your own data in HTML, PDF or DOC formats?
For more information about the course material, structure and prerequisites please visit the website of Boerhaave Nascholing.
08-12.11.2021 Boerhaave Nascholing course ‘Survival Analysis’ (Advanced Biostatistics)
Interested in the study of the distribution of life times, i.e. the times from an initiating event (birth, diagnosis, start of treatment) to some terminal event (relapse, death)? For more information and registration visit the website of Boerhaave Nascholing.

Call for abstracts: The Future of Vaccination Masterclass
The 3rd Annual Joep Lange Chair and Fellows Masterclass is fast approaching. We are inviting early-stage researchers and late-stage PhD students to submit abstracts on this year’s theme: The Future of Vaccination. The submission for abstracts is open until September 20.
Click here to read more



The Graduate School Office

If you have any additional questions regarding the administrative aspects of your PhD studies in the LUMC, you can contact the Graduate School Office at, or find them on LinkedIn or their website.




Please don't hesitate to contact us if you have a question to ask, an idea to discuss, or just want to say hi. You can always send us an email at

You can also follow us on social media and of course on the LUMC Albinusnet. Use the buttons below to check out our Facebook, LinkedIn, TwitterInstagram and our website

To follow LAP on Albinusnet, go to Albinusnet and go to 'My preferences / Mijn instellingen'. Click on 'my departments/mijn afdelingen' and then 'edit departments/afdelingen bewerken'. Look for LUMC Association for PhD Candidates in the list under 'add a department/voeg een afdeling toe'. 

LAP Board

Merian Kuipers
Edouard Bonneville
Enrico de Koning
Ziena Abdulrahman
Naomi Kappe
Dorine van Staalduinen
Daniele Bizzarri
Alice Bacon
Aline van Rijn
Pranav Mehta
Annelieke Lemij
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