LUMC Association for PhD candidates (LAP)

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Newsletter November 2021

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LAP Newsletter

November 2021

Dear fellow PhD candidates,
Some people like it and some people don't, but it is definitely raining a lot! This might be the perfect opportunity to finish some projects before the end of the year. In this newsletter we have lots of interesting stuff. 

Save the date: we are organising an online PhD-day on December 2, so keep an eye out on our social media (Facebook)(Instagram) and (LinkedIn) for updates! (protip, if you follow us you will be notified).

Let us know if you have any questions.

The LAP board



New LUMC digital career guidance portal 
Digital career guidance means that you independently organize your career and your personal development, making use of the Digital career guidance centre of the LUMC (currently in Dutch only). This website offers tools which may help you take the right decisions about your career, as well as career tests and 'career windows' to help you take concrete action.
If you have questions about your career or you wish to discuss options, you can make an appointment with your supervisor or your human resources advisor. For more intricate career questions you may contact one of our career advisors.

Career workshops
The LUMC organizes in-company training courses in the following fields:
  • personal development
  • leadership development
  • job-related development
  • safety & health
  • quality care
  • efficient management.
The courses are freely accessible (unless stated otherwise). The length of the courses varies from a few hours to a few days. For a complete list of available courses, please refer to the LUMC Learning Portal. Always first discuss your wishes with your supervisor.

PhD thesis spreadsheet
Many of you asked if we can help with bringing PhD candidates together in order to get a discount on thesis printing. Click here for a public google spreadsheet in which you can leave your contact details to get in touch with other PhDers who are printing their thesis soon. It is your own responsibility to get in touch with each other and organize the group discount with the printing company. You might as well consider your PhD thesis as mobile app: a sustainable alternative saving costs.
Update PhD ceremonies
At a live ceremony, a maximum of 75 persons is allowed in the Grand Auditorium. For further details see the updated PhD protocol.

Grant newsletter
The Grants Newsletter of October has been published on Albinusnet, click here to read.
Supervisor of the Year Nominations 2021
Deadline November 8
Is your supervisor a brilliant scientist, a role model, accessible, enthusiastic, or just great in any other way? Then nominate your supervisor now by filling in this short questionnaire! This way you can thank your supervisor and inspire other supervisors to guide their PhD candidates in the best way possible. The supervisor of the year will be awarded during a festive ceremony on the PhD day on the 2nd of December.


18th Vienna Biocenter PhD symposium “Building Bridges” - 4-5 November - Hybrid
With “Building Bridges” we want to put the diversity of life science in the spotlight and highlight the importance of interdisciplinarity in scientific research for our understanding of fundamental biological questions. The symposium will feature a diverse panel of scientific speakers from disciplines relevant to our campus:
  • Immunology & Cancer
  • Biochemistry & Biophysics
  • Development & Neuroscience
  • Industry
For more information and registration, click here.

PhD & PDEng day of the University of Twente - November 24 - University of Twente, building The Gallery
This year's edition of the PhD & PDEng Day focuses on the role of science in a post-fact society. Topics of discussion include evidence-informed policy-making, young scientists' role and perspectives, and the importance of science for innovation. The keynote speakers include Jamie Hyneman, known from the television program The Mythbusters. In addition, Wim van Saarloos (former chair of the Royal Dutch Academy of Arts and Science) will speak about the role of contemporary science. Click here for more information and registration.

YOUNG Medical Delta MedTech Hackathon 2021 - November 12-14
The hackathon includes challenging cases on health technology-related topics, workshops, interdisciplinary teams, goodies, fun, food (lunch and dinner), and more. The cases are real encountered problems put forward by various stakeholders in the field, i.e. local hospitals, engineers and companies. The winners of the hackathon receive a prize of €500 and may also have the opportunity to continue to develop their innovation. Apart from that, every participant will have an unforgettable experience with many new connections and acquired skills. You can either sign up alone or take on the challenge in a group of acquaintances. Be ready for a weekend full of experiences, inspiration and non-stop innovation! Register now 

Leiden Drug Development Conference (LDDC) – November 9 – ECC Leiden
Collaboration of the LUMC, Leiden University, Janssen, Galapagos and Leiden Bio Science Park
The complexity of developing, producing and distribution of drugs will be the central topic. For more information, check out the website. Registration required.

Webinars and Courses

An overview of all courses within the LUMC and Leiden University can be found in the Converis-module (go to ‘help’ – ‘help’ – inventory of courses) or just click here.
Scientific Conduct for PhD
A new online module Scientific Conduct has been developed to complement the information on research integrity that is provided at the introductory meeting. The workshop, which will be offered in both Dutch and English, will be organized 10x a year. Please note that this module is mandatory for all PhD students who have started on 1 September 2021 and onwards, and is highly recommended for all other first year PhD students. Scientific Conduct for PhDs (LUMC) - Leiden University (

HRM Learning & Development courses
These courses are offered mostly online. This is done with the well-known professional trainers and in an interactive manner. Please register in the usual way. Click here for the complete overview of upcoming courses. If you have any questions, please contact 

03.11.2021 How to avoid (another) burnout: Mental Fitness Workshop for PhD candidates
Doing a PhD trajectory can be intense and stressful sometimes. PhD candidates face high work pressure and can be at serious risk of a burnout. This workshop is about what PhD candidates need to know about burnouts, how to deal with it and how to avoid it. 
(The workshop will only be attended by the external trainer and other PhD candidates from Leiden University and LUMC. Supervisors or other related staff will not attend and will not be informed about your participation).
You can register here.



The Graduate School Office

If you have any additional questions regarding the administrative aspects of your PhD studies in the LUMC, you can contact the Graduate School Office at, or find them on LinkedIn or their website.




Please don't hesitate to contact us if you have a question to ask, an idea to discuss, or just want to say hi. You can always send us an email at

You can also follow us on social media and of course on the LUMC Albinusnet. Use the buttons below to check out our Facebook, LinkedIn, TwitterInstagram and our website


LAP Board

Merian Kuipers
Edouard Bonneville
Enrico de Koning
Ziena Abdulrahman
Naomi Kappe
Dorine van Staalduinen
Daniele Bizzarri
Alice Bacon
Aline van Rijn
Pranav Mehta
Annelieke Lemij
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